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Why Aren’t Candidates Applying to My Jobs?
Candidates are checking out your jobs, but they’re not closing the deal by applying. Why not? Well it turns out the main reason...

Job Descriptions: Expectations vs. Reality
Is it acceptable to have a mismatch in the job description and actual responsibilities? Candidates should have an explicit...

4 Onboarding Tactics to Improve Employee Retention
There are well-known onboarding strategies that improve employee retention. The four major levers that the Society of Human...

Employer Considerations in States with Medical Marijuana
Even though marijuana is still considered Schedule I by the Drug Enforcement Agency at the federal level, many states have...

Ultrasound-Powered Nano-Robots Eliminate Bacteria, Toxins from Blood
Researchers at the University of California San Diego have developed tiny robots that can swim through blood and remove harmful...

Robots Speed Up the Process for Growing Mini-Organs from Stem Cells
Scientists have developed an automated system that employs robots to create human mini-organs from stem cells. The organs,...

How to Address Career Gaps in Interviews
As a career coach, I often receive the following questions regarding career gaps from my clients: will this hinder their chances...

How to Protect Employee Privacy in the Era of Big Data
While the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was adopted into law over twenty years ago, changes in the...

Evaluating Your Team’s Culture: Will Candidates Find The Right Fit?
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” – Peter Drucker This quote, among many other discussions in the business world,...

Newly Developed Material Could Regenerate Tooth Enamel
Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body. It forms the outer part of the tooth and is regularly exposed to acidic...